Dekalb Christian Home Educators


Arts & Crafts (3rd - 5th)

Instructor Image

Teacher: Jasmine Willis
Date/Time: Wednesday - 10:00 AM to 10:55 AM
Room: Classroom 24
Department: Elementary
Grade Level: 6-10 years old
Maximum Enrollment: 8

Grades 3rd-5th

Class start date: August 21, 2024

 This class is for children who want to try all things arts and crafts. Learning how to cut, color, glue, and draw. This is a fun environment where we make happy mistakes and keep going. Creativity with skills such as complex problem-solving, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence. Who can teach those skills better than the arts?

The break down of classes:

Arts and Craft K-2nd & Arts and Craft 3rd-5th 

  • Every other week will be either arts or crafts (This will give the students an option to explore all things art, by not putting the students in a full curriculum if their not ready to commit.) 
  • These classes are for children to have fun and explore. Especially if their not familiar with the whole concept of art.  
  • This is an introduction to the fundamentals of art. 

Class and Supply Fee: $150 (per semester)

Accepted payment methods

Cash app: $JasmineWillis01 / Zelle# 678-365-5462

Deadline to pay: August 12th

Necessary supplies: children can bring art pallets, personal pens, and markers if desired.