Teacher: Dr. Ondra Dismukes
Email: odismukes@gmail.com
Date/Time: Thursday - 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Room: Online
Department: High School
Grade Level: 15-18 years old |
DESCRIPTION: Through selection of reading materials, writing topics, exercises and activities (such as discussion and peer evaluation) that require use of all communications skills and critical thinking, the course will fulfill its purpose of having the student develop and improve proficiency in writing so that the student can succeed in academic and personal writing tasks.
This course survey's classical literature (Plato, Frederick Douglass, Phyllis Wheatley, and Martin Luther King, Jr.) implementing the Nyansa Classical - Upper School Curriculum. 
Please note this course is eligible for Dual Credit via CCU (as ENG-102). Click here for more information on our Dual Credit Program. 
MEETING DAY/TIME: - Tuesdays @ 10:00AM (Online via Zoom)
- Thursdays @ 10:00AM (Online via Zoom)
AGES: 15-18yo COST: - Course Fee (required): Five monthly payments of $160.00, August through December ($800.00 Total) payable to Ondra Dismukes. Monthly Payments are due on the 1st of each Month. Payment Method TBA.
- Dual Credit Fee (optional): For Students who are also Seeking Dual Credit, you must also pay a $200.00 Fee directly to Colorado Christian University on or before November 1, 2023.
RESOURCES: - Draft Syllabus (attached)