Teacher: Camille Dorsey
Email: mercedesmom2005@yahoo.com
Date/Time: Wednesday - 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Room: Family Life Center(FLC)
Departments: Elementary, Middle School, High School
Grade Level: 4-6 years old, 6-10 years old, 11-14 years old, 15-18 years old
Maximum Enrollment: 35
REGISTRATION PROCESS: (Complete all steps below) - Register on the DCHE site (Use the Enroll Button above).
- Register with Atlanta Track Club: All registration for Kilometer Kids is now online; sign up your participants in the online system before the season begins. Please use THIS SPECIFIC LINK to sign up.
TO REGISTER: - Create a LeagueApps account.
- The parent/guardian will create a parent profile and then a child profile for each child they plan to register under his/her parent profile.
- To sign up for our specific team, you will select DCHE from the dropdown menu.
- I encourage each family to download the app because this is where I'll be communicating with parents.
Please, have your athlete bring a water bottle, and dress appropriately for physical exercise and the weather.
GADOE NUMBER: 36.00100 Physical Education/Grade K - 36.00200 Physical Education/Grade 1
- 36.00300 Physical Education/Grade 2
- 36.00400 Physical Education/Grade 3
- 36.00500 Physical Education/Grade 4
- 36.00600 Physical Education/Grade 5
- 36.00700 Physical Education/Grade 6
- 36.00800 Physical Education/Grade 7
- 36.00900 Physical Education/Grade 8
- 36.01100 General Physical Education I (Grades 9-12)