Dekalb Christian Home Educators


K - Bible Quiz Meet (Knoxville, TN) - February 4, 2023 ✔

Instructor Image

Teacher: Michelle Shaw
Date/Time: Friday - 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Room: No Room
Department: Field Trips
Grade Level: 6-10 years old, 11-14 years old, 15-18 years old

DESCRIPTION: Join DCHE Bible Quizzing Teams for the 3rd Bible Quiz Meet of the 2022-23 school year in Knoxville, TN!

LOCATION: Foster Chapel: 2101 Ault Road Knoxville, TN 37914 (TENTATIVE)

COST: FREE (Included with your Bible Quizzing Registration. However, make sure you've purchased your T-Shirt prior to the Meet.

HOW: Email Michelle Shaw to sign up for this meet.